Helping Customers Reduce Emissions

Blueprint Power provides energy data analytics and consulting services to help customers understand their opportunities and options to reduce carbon emissions from electricity and optimize their application of those options.

Customers use our services to impact carbon emissions from their buildings’ energy usage from operations and / or from the electrical grid by:

Reducing electricity usage:

  • Less energy used means less emissions.

  • With our DIGBOX and Portal, we provide customers with more visibility into how they use electricity, so they can better manage it. ​

  • Through our Building Energy Optimization services, we help our customers identify building operational improvements that may help increase energy efficiency.​

Relying less on the grid during periods of peak demand:

  • We support customers’ participation in Demand Response programs, which incentivize customers to curtail their usage during peak periods.

  • Because customers use less grid power during peak periods, this reduces strain on the grid and its need to engage higher emissions generation sources, such as peaker plants.

  • The level of reduction depends upon the fuel mix of the grid. ​

    *Additional data from RMI

Implementing onsite, distributed energy resources​:

  • Customers use our modeling services to understand the potential options and financial and emissions benefits of implementing onsite, lower carbon, distributed energy resources (DERs), such as solar, battery energy storage, and EV charging.​

  • Customers use our new flexible capacity support services to help them identify, select, and coordinate vendors to implement DERs.​

  • Because customers gain flexibility by having both onsite DERs and grid electricity, they can also activate ‘time of use’ factors to reduce emissions: using grid power when the carbon intensity of electricity generation is lower (e.g. when the grid uses solar or wind generation) than at other times of the day. (IEA)